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South Stoke Primary School

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This page provides information for parents and carers looking for a place for their child in our school. If you have any questions, then please contact our office and our staff will be happy to help.

Applying for a place

Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 need to apply for a place for September 2025.

You should apply for a reception year place during the admissions window, which opens at the end of October 2024 and closes in the middle of January 2025.

You need to apply through Oxfordshire County Council. You can do this (and find out lots of important information) by visiting the Oxfordshire County Council admissions page.

When applying, you should list four schools, in order of preference.

You will find out which school your child has a place at for September 2025 in the middle of April 2025.

Late applications

Any application after the admissions window has closed in the middle of January is known as a late application. A late application means you will be allocated a place at a school that has places left after all the on-time applications have been processed. 

In-year transfers

If you are moving into the area or if you feel South Stoke would meet your child's specific needs better than their current school, in-year transfers are often possible. Applications are done on the Oxfordshire County Council in-year transfer page.

If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to ask us for help.

Applying if you live in Berkshire

If you live across the county boundary in Berkshire but would like a place in Reception at South Stoke, then you apply by putting us down as an option in your own local authority's admissions form.

Arrange a visit

We welcome visits to the school. Please make an appointment to visit us either by phoning the office on 01491 872948 or emailing us at office.2507@south-stoke.oxon.sch.uk


if you have been refused a place at a school, then you have the right to appeal. Find out more about appeals from the county council.

Delaying a place

Parents of summer-born children (April to August inclusive) may request to delay their application for entry to an infant and primary school. Click the following link to learn how to delay reception application.
